Saturday, August 14, 2010

Enjoy what you have today but always keep your dreams alive!!

Just a quick note to remember to enjoy what you already have, but always keep striving to reach your dreams.
Make sure  that everyday has meaning and you are doing good things for you and others as well.
Today i just got my new site and I'm so excited, thanks Sean, Crystal and Tony, you guys keep me wanting to reach the stars!!!

This is an amazing site and I encourage everyone just to take a look at the videos. they are extremely educational and will make you think about many things.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Fresh Start

It's Monday Morning and it's a good day t have a fresh start to your health routine.
My breakfast is a phenomenal shake with 242 nutrient with unpasterized whey and IsaGreens that is 5 servings of organic vegetables with spirulina and pro-biotics. Believe it or not, I love the taste and stay full until lunch time.

Remember: Health is a matter of choice and not a mystery of chance!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

New Year Resolution is NOW!!

Okay everybody,
there is no time like right now to have a New Year's Resolution!
Start with 3 easy steps
1- Be grateful for what you already have. Be grateful all day long and be grateful before you to bed!
You have to be sincere with yourself!

2- Do things that make you have a  sense of accomplishment everyday.
It can be a 10min. walk, skipping the fattening dessert, helping someone.

3- Take good care of your body, you have no where else to live!

Hello and Welcome!

That's it! We are blogging and this blog is for you. We are passionate about helping people be healthy and fit!
Kendrick and I have been married for over 12 years now and have been helping people achieve optimal health,way before we met each other. We actually met in a Fitness Cruise that was sponsored by the Fontainbleu Hilton Spa in Miami.
We have two great healthy kids and two dogs that are a little bit to fat for my taste. (We are working on them).
We want you to ask us any questions pertaining to health, fitness and well being. We have been Spa Directors and we still have our private clients that we train in the early morning, but our passion is to reach as many people as possible with all our knowledge.
Now we work from home helping people be as healthy as they can be!
We will be posting very interesting things to help you be the best that you can be!!
To your health.